Myofascial Release Intensives
& Healing Retreats
Expert Trained John F. Barnes Myofascial Release Therapists with a shared vision to help you reach a balanced pain-free life
The Myofascial Experience Stringing the Beads
Groups Activity: Last 30 Days
This live online monthly call is designed for past, present, and future intensive clients and an offering for you to try a new way to learn and grow. We invite you to our new online circle once a month to "String the Beads".
Stringing the Beads is a way of speaking in a sacred circle that allows every voice to be heard. The story goes that every voice that speaks is a unique bead and at the end of our stringing we have created a beautiful necklace.
During each call we will speak our name, present condition, gratitude and we will have a question to speak to for that call. We will send a reminder email the day before with the layout of the call. This call will be on the 1st of every month at 5:30pm EST and will be limited to 60 minutes.
We always welcome anyone to send a stringing question for the circle.
Let's all create a beautiful necklace!
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July 14, 2024
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